
High School


The students at Akshara left no stone unturned for their Science Exhibition preparation and presentation.

The vast topics of ‘Solar Energy’ and ‘Communication’ were explored and deeply studied by the students of the primary and secondary sections, respectively. Through references from various books and the internet, our students made visually aesthetic chart work. Lifelike models were also created with the guidance of our genius teachers.

Our primary graders aced their way through the exhibition. The three stations of Std1 presentation gave vital information alongside a graceful poem recitation, that won the hearts of all the parents. Each student’s artwork adorned the boards of their class and made it into a land of little science enthusiasts.

The little wizards of Std 2 spoke smartly as they explained their models. Their poem recitation was wonderful and the claps and smiley faces of the parents made it clear that these wizards had done a fantastic job in their presentation.

The brilliant Std 3 gave an enlightening presentation with utmost authenticity and confidence. At the end of their presentation, the parents got to engage in a fun game of placing the sun correctly in the solar system with their eyes blindfolded. The students were flabbergasted cheering their parents.

Students of Std 4 did an outstanding job in explaining the meaning, uses and importance of solar energy and the solar panel through a short skit. Our school uses solar energy and we have solar panels on our rooftop to generate solar power for our consumption. A video of the students explaining its mechanism was shown to the parents.

The presentation of Std 5 was fascinating as the young and talented actors of the class acted out a visually engaging train on the evolution of modes of communication over the years. Their attires as ancient cave painters, postmen and present-day youngsters using social media were captivating.

Std 6 presentation was short, sweet and informative. They explained different modes of communication in a simple and understandable language. This was a contrast from the complexity of terms present in the other parts of the vast topic of communication. The dice game was a fun unique way to quiz the parents after the information was provided through images and props.

Std 7 too was an amazing batch. The fusion of verbal explanation, virtual examples and a short skit of the pros and cons of the emerging modes of communication was systematically put together. It kept parents engaged with the comedy in the skit a great balance to the heavy information.

Std 8 used the smart board with a virtual representation of the VR and AR communication. These young adults were smart and quick to give the parents an experience of VR.

Std 9 explained communication in terms of expressions and body language. The presentation was a skit which kept the parents connected to their topic throughout. The topic was well-explained, well-scripted and well-enacted by them.

The super seniors of the school Std 10 had created an entire outer world inside of Akshara High School. The space given to them was fantastically used. An elaborate presentation with videos was shown and explained. The most captivating part of the presentation was their humungous model on Earth and the satellites orbiting around it. They truly outdid themselves for their final Science Exhibition at Akshara and gave a well-deserved farewell to their last Science Week.


To know more about Akshara High School, call us at +91-7393036036 or write to us at aksharahighschool@gmail.com


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